When you call the Advocate for Children and Youth office to express concerns and/or request our assistance, you will talk to one of our Regional Advocates. We give special priority to children and youth because we want to hear from you first. Once we know more about your concerns and what steps you have already taken to attempt to resolve the issue, the Regional Advocate can gather additional information to fully understand the issue. Then we will review the information together and determine if your concern is something our office can help with. If so, we will then take the appropriate advocacy action.
When you talk with one of our Regional Advocates, they may discuss other agencies or ministries that could assist you. We might offer information or clarification about government policies and practices, as well as ways to appeal decisions. We often offer strategies to help resolve the matter yourself (self-advocacy). If self-advocacy strategies do not appear to be effective, our Regional Advocates may be able to help further by making some calls and negotiating with decision-makers/workers on your behalf. We will do our best to achieve a resolution to your concerns!
We will work hard to ensure you receive all the services and supports you are entitled to by legislation and policy.